Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Signs of ASD Video

Signs of Autism in children


Triggers in ASD Video

Triggers in Autism


Symptoms of Autism Video

Symptoms of Autism

School for autism, Chikitsya provides assisted living for ASD affected.

Programs offered:
Residential programs
Medical assistance
Boarding programs
Free programs for those who cannot afford to pay their fees.
Luxury residential programs for elders


What is Autism video

What is Autism

Autism is a delibrate condition that needs to be taken care of whole life. ASD affected need assistance, therapies and treatments.

School for autism, Chikitsya provides assisted living for ASD affected.

Programs offered:
Residential programs
Medical assistance
Boarding programs
Free programs for those who cannot afford to pay their fees.
Luxury residential programs for elders


Monday, 28 November 2016

Autism is a delibrate condition that needs to be taken care of whole life. ASD affected need assistance, therapies and treatments.

School for autism, Chikitsya provides assisted living for ASD affected.

Programs offered:
Residential programs
Medical assistance
Boarding programs
Free programs for those who cannot afford to pay their fees.
Luxury residential programs for elders


Sunday, 20 November 2016

Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger Syndrome although not as severe as Autism Disorder is also a deliberate condition that effects social interaction, ability to understand non verbal cues, difficulty in abstract thing and repetitive behaviors. A person affected with Asperger syndrome may find himself aloof all the time, may have severe difficulty in understanding social communication and friendships. 
They also face sensory issues like sensory aversions or overload. They can completely withdraw them self.
Treatments is available for Asperger's syndrome although complete cure is not available but psychotherapies can help to a larger extend. Asperger affected can live a normal life. 


Know about ASD & its treatments at SFA:

Links for information on Autism

Hello, I am adding some links that can help you know more about Autism, its symptoms and treatments available for ASD.

Visit links to know about autism:



To know hiw autism menifest itself differently in women:


To know about treatments:
Visit School for Autism


Monday, 14 November 2016

School for Autism Video

School for Autism - Chikitsya

             Visit link: http://sfa.chikitsya.com

Autism Help

You dont need to beat them, lock them indoors, alienate them because they are different. Accepting them and providing them love and care will benefit them most. They need therapies and counselling to understand the environment around them and cope up with their social life.
Visit School for Autism for more information and help.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

School For Autism Facilities

Facilities by SFA starts as shown:
1.Normal Living Non Assisted - 6.9
2.Normal Living Assisted - 12.9
3.Luxury Living Medical & Assisted - 21.9

Additional cost keeps surging based on medical conditions and other facilities or services engaged.
Services both in Hyderabad and Chennai are available for Luxury Homes.

Link to visit: http://sfa.chikitsya.com 

Autism Awareness

Facilities by SFA starts as shown:
1.Normal Living Non Assisted - 6.9
2.Normal Living Assisted - 12.9
3.Luxury Living Medical & Assisted - 21.9

Additional cost keeps surging based on medical conditions and other facilities or services engaged.
Services both in Hyderabad and Chennai are available for Luxury Homes.

Link to visit: http://sfa.chikitsya.com

School For Autism


School For Autism

Facilities by SFA starts as shown:
1.Normal Living Non Assisted - 6.9
2.Normal Living Assisted - 12.9
3.Luxury Living Medical & Assisted - 21.9

Additional cost keeps surging based on medical conditions and other facilities or services engaged.
Services both in Hyderabad and Chennai are available for Luxury Homes.

Link to visit: http://sfa.chikitsya.com 

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Needs of Autistic children

Formal education is not a suitable choice for autistic children. They need to learn life skills. They need care and guidance.

School for Autism provides care and facilities to learn these skills.
Visit to know more about SFA: http://sfa.chikitsya.com

Treatment for ASD

Treatment for Autistic Disorders is available at School for Autism. Register your child today at http://sfa.chikitsya.com.
You can call at 9347134982.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Autism results in an inability to filter out information which results in :
  • Difficulty in interpreting
  • Inability to understand non verbal cues
  • Sensory overload
  • Repetitive movements

To get the help visit:

Facilities provided by School of Autism:
  • Full boarding
  • Residential for year( 11 months per year)
  • Total therapy
  • Medical support
  • Assisted living everything inclusive

Signs of Autism in children

Look for these signs in children for autism:

To know more about autism and signs visit:

Autism Spectrum Disorder

What is Autism?

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorders are complex brain development disorders that are characterized by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, repetitive behaviors. It is generally diagnosed in childhood as most of the signs and symptoms occur between 2 to 3 years of age. Children affected with deal have to deal with the difficulties throughout their life. Autism may cause intellectual disabilities, difficulties in motor coordination, delay in normal developmental milestones like speaking, walking etc.

Sub types of Autism

Autism is classified under these categories depending on severity of symptoms:

  • Autism Disorder
  • Asperger Syndrome
  • Pervasive development disorder

What Causes Autism?

Cause of autism is unknown although scientists believe that gene are responsible for autism. Environment conditions and stresses like oxygen deprivation to child's brain before birth may increase a child risk to develop autism. Autistic individuals may be unable to filter unwanted information and therefore perceive all the stimuli around them. Such acute perception brings an overwhelming amount of information which their brain has difficulty  in interpreting.

Autism spectrum

Autism spectrum implies that each individual with autism is different. About 40% of all autistic children are in range of average to above average. Some of them may be exceptional in visual intelligence, music or mathematics.  On other hand some of them have significant intellectual disability. Each child's need is different.

How common is autism?

Research indicates that 1 in 68 children may be autistic. 1 in 48 boys is autistic. Scientists believe that girls are less diagnosed due to different manifestation of the symptoms in them. Identification of these kids is necessary to provide them care and different environment.

To know more about autism visit: